Find a healthy air expert in your area
let’s fill those seats.
viruses can be destroyed in your office air system.
People take risks every day. They choose to drive to work, participate in sports, travel by airplane and more. But what many home and business owners don’t realize is the daily risk of being indoors in an unhealthy environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend about 90% of their time inside — where contaminants can be two to five times higher than outdoor pollutants!
When we’re not careful, the air we breathe can literally make us sick.
Types of solutions.
Let’s clear the air. we are trained for this.

Bipolar ionization
Ions contain an electrical charge, positive and negative, and exist in nature at different sizes. Many harmful chemicals in the air we breathe are positive ions, which work against us by suppressing our immune systems.

Ultraviolet disinfection
Ultraviolet (UV) light has been well-established in the industry as a powerful way to keep HVAC coils, drain pans and other surfaces clean, and may help prevent and reduce the spread of viruses and other airborne pollutants.

MERV 13+ filtration
According to ASHRAE, a standard MERV 8 filter is only 20% efficient at capturing particles 1-3 micrometers in size. Filters with a MERV 13 rating become 85% efficient at filtering harmful contaminants like viruses.
How it works.
Without the proper equipment installed, it’s easy for mold, bacteria, viruses and more to spread. As many Wisconsinites make plans to return to the workplace or visit their favorite places of business, they want to be sure the air they’re breathing is healthy and free from these common dangers.
Through extensive industry research and testing, our trained professionals know that HVAC systems equipped with MERV 13 and higher-grade filters, installing UV-C and bipolar ionization technologies, utilizing more outdoor air and controlling humidity are all solutions we can offer customers for increased safety and peace of mind. These are the solutions available to help get building owners throughout Wisconsin back to business — safely.
Start breathing a little easier — contact our team of experts today.